Oxford Educational Foundation

The mission of the Oxford Educational Foundation is to enhance the quality of education in the Oxford Area School District by providing a mentoring and tutoring program for the students and professional grants for the faculty that encourage the development of innovative programs. The Oxford Educational Foundation has placed its endowment funds at the Chester County Community Foundation to provide a permanent source of income to sustain its core programs and operations,

Please consider a gift to the Oxford Education Foundation’s Endowment fund and support the programs of the education foundation today and tomorrow. The Oxford Educational Foundation can accept gifts of stock and other assets through its relationship with the Chester County Community Foundation. Please contact Ray Fischer at  610-932-7200  or rfischer@oxfordeducationalfoundation.org for additional information about how you can make a gift to the Oxford Educational Foundation through a designation on an IRA, Bank Account and/or an insurance policy. Please consider the Oxford Educational Foundation in your estate plans. Thank you for your support.



Donation checks may be made payable to:

Oxford Educational Foundation c/o CCCF
28 West Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382