The grandchildren of Lawrence James Simmons (1938-2022) live throughout the U.S. Annually, they gather to decide their grants: causes that reflect LJS’ core values and resonate with their ongoing experiences.
LJS was an avid outdoorsman and hands-on learner with an ultra-strong work ethic. Amidst his strength and energy, he had an understated way of quietly helping others—he made sure family, friends and strangers had food, clothing, household items, tools, and anything they needed. He also gave of himself—teaching people to hunt, fish, farm and cook; helping people to build and repair their homes and property; and fix most anything mechanical, especially cars and trucks.
After 80 years, LJS was forced to modify his active lifestyle when stricken with normal pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s disease, and Lewy body dementia. Yet still, his family made sure he continued to enjoy swimming, fishing, animals, wheelchair treks, rides, music, games and food. Children and pets gave him great pleasure, filling his final years with bubbling energy, jokes, songs, smiles and laughter.
Since 2022, Grandpa’s Grand Grants have been awarded to a variety of causes. We envision they will include wilderness conservation, outdoor recreation, hunting, fishing, farming, agriculture; swimming, life guarding and water rescue; trade schools especially cars and construction; food, clothing and shelter; and Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Lewy body research and activities.
Recent grantees:
Alaska Conservation Foundation
American Society of Dowsers
Brevard Alzheimer’s Association Foundation for Joe’s Club Adult Day Care at Melbourne
Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association
Mr. MO Project Senior Dog Rescue
Natural Heritage Trust: Letchworth State Park
Natural Heritage Trust: Trees for Tribs
Oregon Food Bank
Things of My Very Own
Donate to the fund by mailing a check, payable to “CCCF” to:
Grandpa’s Grand Grants: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Fund at CCCF
28 West Market Street,
West Chester, PA 19382