October 11, 2023 – The Thoroughbred Education and Research Foundation (TERF) is pleased to award $10,000 to the Maryland Horse Industry Foundation to be used for a work experience program, the returning of the Maryland Thoroughbred career program, and continued promotion of Marylandhorse.com.
The Maryland Horse Foundation was chartered in 1988 by the Maryland Horse Breeders Association to serve various educational and charitable needs of the Maryland horse industry. The MHF has developed and supports a number of educational programs and is responsible for the maintenance and expansion of the Maryland Horse Library & Education Center. In addition to programs and projects, they are proud to work directly with several industry partners to promote the entire Maryland Horse industry.
TERF’s grants reflect the values set forth by founders Herb and Ellen Moelis. TERF’s current Board, includes co-Chairs Kathleen Anderson DVM, and James Orsini DVM, Lynn Cassimeris, Ph.D., Margaret H. Duprey, Gretchen and Roy Jackson, Katelyn Jackson, Ellen Moelis, Cory Moelis, Wendy Moon, Anita Motion, Scott Palmer VMD, and Josh Pons.
To make learn more about the Thoroughbred Education and Research Foundation please visit www.terfusa.org.
To make a tax deductible donation to TERF, please visit https://chescocf.org/fund/thoroughbred-education-and-research-foundation/ or send a donation to TERF c/o The Chester County Community Foundation, 28 West Market Street, West Chester, PA 19382.
For further information, contact:
Beth Krallis, Marketing, Analytics, & IT Director
Chester County Community Foundation
bethk@chescocf.org (484) 887-0467
About the Chester County Community Foundation
Headquartered in West Chester’s Lincoln Building, the Chester County Community Foundation connects people who care with causes that matter so their legacy philanthropy makes a difference now and forever. The Community Foundation holds nearly $90 million in trust and annually awards $4.5 million in grants and scholarships. To learn more about the Community Foundation, visit www.chescocf.org.