
The Chester County Community Foundation is committed to prudent investment strategies and fiscal policies which the Foundation believes will lead to the long-term growth of endowment fund principal and meet spending policy objectives. The Community Foundation seeks to preserve and enhance the value of the portfolio’s assets by providing long-term growth greater than the rate of inflation and fee costs, while recognizing that prudent risks must be taken.

Endowed funds are pooled assets that receive a monthly posting of the investment returns allocated on a pro rata basis based. Professional investment managers meet with the Investment Committee at least quarterly to review the investment portfolio and assess investment performance.

For information on the CCCF investment portfolio featuring: Karen Simmons, President and CEO; Phil Wagner, CFA, Chair of the CCCF Investment Committee; Chris Valerio, CFA and Phil Cook, CFA of Hirtle Callaghan & Co check out this YouTube video. Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation from the 2021 Investment Forum.

Chief Investment Officer Firm – Aggregate Invested Assets: Hirtle, Callaghan & Co.

As the Community Foundation’s Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Hirtle Callaghan works with us to develop a formal Investment Policy designed to best meet the long-term objectives. The Investment Policy is formulated on a long-term, broadly diversified strategic asset allocation plan with asset class targets and operating ranges.

Medallion Investment Partners – Separately Managed Invested Assets

Our Medallion Investment program gives you the opportunity to establish a donor-advised fund at the Community Foundation, while having a qualified advisor of your choosing continue to manage the asset and receive investment management fees.

Medallion status is awarded to investment advisors/firms which pass an annual due diligence review undertaken by the Community Foundation’s Investment Committee. Medallion funds are separately managed, non-aggregated funds that receive their own investment return. The Community Foundation may charge a modest additional annual fee to the charitable fund for this service.

The minimum amount to start a donor advised fund in the Medallion program is $250,000 with the intent to grow to at least $1 million. The minimum for non-medallion investment partner program funds is $25,000.

Chris Valerio & Nick Fazzie, Hirtle Callaghan

Foundation Funds Invested


Merrill Lynch

Phoenixville Federal Bank


Planned Gift Pledge & Investment Partner


Pre-approved as a Medallion Partner, but has No Funds Yet


Mainline Financial Advisors