Mission Statement
Created to provide sustainable funding for Community Outreach Ministries housed at the Church of the Holy Trinity.
Friday Night Suppers: For over 25 years, welcoming and feeding a good meal to those God sends to us.
Additional outreach ministries benefiting the wider community of West Chester and the world:
Adopt-A-Family, Holiday Food Baskets, New Ba-by Ministry, Barrels for Haiti.
For many years, Don Stout was a regular at the Friday Night Suppers, greeting guests,
serving them and chatting with them, helping them to feel warmly welcomed.
The Don Gregory Stout Memorial Fund will ensure that funding is stabilized and sustained so that Friday Night Suppers
has the resources necessary to serve guests into the future.
Contributions to the Fund may be made at any time during the year, are fully deductible, and may be in the form of monetary contributions or securities. Your generosity will ensure that guests who enter our doors will continue to be fed for years to come.
You can make a donation to the Don Gregory Stout Memorial Fund by downloading the donation form
or complete the online donation form: