Bugel Family Fund

Mission Statement

Robert and Lucille Bugel started the Bugel Family Fund in 1998 to support local agencies who serve children and youth. As longtime community volunteers, the Bugels know that their financial support to key community organizations makes a powerful and direct impact to bettering the lives of at-risk children and youth.

About the Bugel Family… The Bugels were motivated to start their fund at the Chester County Community Foundation by two factors. Ten years ago Robert read about a donor who started a fund for Chester County non-profits. Robert was very moved by the article and the inspiration that he felt, coupled with his hands-on volunteer style, led the Bugels to decide to start their fund. Lucille felt that they should decide what to do with their monies after they deceased. Her first thoughts, after taking care of their family, were for the needs of under served Chester County children.

As they visited area non-profits, they realized just how important it was to them that they fund local charities. CCCF provides them with information to assist them in making informed decisions as how to direct their funds for community growth. With the help of the Chester County Community Foundation, they have derived satisfaction from using their grants in such a meaningful and personal way.