Jax Thorburn Memorial Scholarship Fund


Provide $100,00 in scholarships to students of the Class of 2031 (the year Jax would have graduated) from Phoenixville High School

Jax’s Story

In August of 2020, Jax Thorburn was diagnosed with brain cancer. Although this particular form of cancer would be difficult to cure, Jax turned his biggest challenge into a celebration of life. The Thorburn family and the Phoenixville community rallied around Jax to help him fight. Jax’s spirit, joy, humor, and unforgettable dance moves inspired others to face challenges in their life to “Be Different”. After a yearlong battle with brain cancer on August 1st, 2021, Jax passed but his legacy continues. It is time to express Jax’s strength, share it with the world, and empower others to believe that they too are strong and that, together, there is nothing that cannot be overcome in all of life’s challenges.

Characteristics of Jax

Thinking of Others – Jax always found ways to help others even when he needed help during his fight with cancer. Jax would often give his time and energy to local charities to help others when they needed to be lifted.

Learning – Jax always knew the importance of education and learning. Even during his toughest times, he never missed school and thrived on doing his best in his studies.

Active – Jax knew that being active in sports and play gave him confidence in life to take on any challenge and taught him the value of teamwork.

Arts – Jax loved to express himself through dance. He enjoyed being on center stage to show the world his spirit.

Being Different – This was Jax’s strongest trait. Jax always embraced the uniqueness of his friends and found ways to celebrate their spirit. Jax also knew that to be truly different you had to challenge yourself to dream that the impossible was always possible.

Get Involved

  • If you are graduating from Phoenixville High School in 2031, you are already involved and eligible
  • In your junior year of High School, we will send out to everyone information on how to apply for the scholarships
  • From now until your junior year, we want you to enjoy being young and “Be Cool”, like Jax used to say, by staying focused on School, Sports and Arts, being involved in your community, help other students, friends and family.
  • Over the next few years we invite parents to share with us images and stories on how your child exemplified the spirt and characteristics of our son Jax so when can praise the class of 2031. Share pictures of their community outreach, sports and the arts, achievements in school and helping those less fortunate in our community.
  • Send any images and stories to brian@jaxstrongfoundation.com




Mail check made payable to:
Jax Thorburn Memorial Scholarship Fund c/o CCCF
28 West Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382