The purpose of this Foundation is to provide funding for the Avon Grove Library. Children’s programs at the library are the specific target of this funding. Kim believed that a robust, growing children’s program would provide the community with a robust, growing library for everyone. The advisors of this fund believe the same and are guided by her principles.
About Kim: Kim
During Kim’s years serving as the library director, the library went through a dramatic growth period which required a move from the old library at 11 Exchange Place to a new location at 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, Pa. Kim, with the support of the library staff, Board of Trustees, and volunteers, managed the library through all of this change.
Kim’s 22 years of service was characterized more as a commitment to community service than a career or job. She never faltered in her personal best effort, always “for the library.” She resigned her position as Director in September 2014, not out of a desire to retire but due to health issues. Sadly, Kim passed away on December 22, 2016.
About the family: Kim was the family’s public face to the community. The rest of us were in the background trying to do what we could to help when called upon. Over the years, the library was a regular topic of many lively discussions at the dinner table. We were very lucky that our family grew up with the library being a significant part of our everyday lives. I have had abundant proof through the years that our children’s lives have greatly benefitted from their connections with the library.
For more detailed information please visit us on Facebook: The Kim L. Ringler and Thomas A. Wurm Family Foundation.
Donation: Do you have an important library patron in your life whom you might want to honor or remember? Maybe you would like to make a contribution in your own name. What better way to remember or honor a loved one than by giving a gift in their name – one that will give forever!
Through the years our family was involved in supporting Avon Grove Library, and through this Foundation we will continue to do so forever. We invite you to join us in making a difference in our community that will continue long after our lifetimes.
Thank you for considering the Foundation.
Mail check, made payable to
“Kim L. Ringler and Thomas A. Wurm Family Foundation,” to:
Kim L. Ringler and Thomas A. Wurm Family Foundation, c/o CCCF
28 West Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382