Mission Statement
The purpose of the fund is two-fold: first, to perpetuate his memory and, secondly, to award citizen/athletes recognized for their responsibility and achievements as athletes, citizens and humanitarians. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving senior at Strath Haven High School in the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District.
About this Fund…
Millard Robinson was a beloved Coach at Swarthmore High School, He mentored so many on life and the joy of giving and succeeding, and had a positive impact on so many lives. Millard Robinson passed away in 1999, but his memory, his accomplishment, and his impact on all will never be forgotten.
Congratulations to our 2022 Scholarship Recipient:

More Information…
For further information on this fund or to make a donation please visit their website.
To Apply…
Email with all inquiries.
Mail a check made payable to:
Coach Millard Robinson Memorial Fund c/o CCCF
28 West Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382