Mission Statement
Kennett Area YMCA Educational Assistance aids part-time employees of the Kennett Area YMCA pursuing technical school, college, or university studies.
To Apply
Official Educational Assistance Stipend Application.
Educational Stipend Reference Form
Applications accepted at any time.
E-mail completed application, responses to questions, resume & transcript copy to grants@chescocf.org
The Kennett Area YMCA Educational Assistance Stipend Fund at the Chester County Community Foundation awards:
- stipends, semester by semester
- to part-time employees of the Kennett Area YMCA
- who have worked at the Kennett Area YMCA for at least 6 months
- pursuing technical school, college or university studies
Educational stipends are to be used to cover the costs of living expenses, educational materials and/or tuition. Stipends are awarded on a selective basis to part-time employees who, in the judgment of the Educational Assistance Stipend Committee, best exemplify:
- positive, healthy leadership skills
- stellar drive to succeed, on their own and as a team member
- strong sense of social responsibility and motivation to help others
Employee/students can be either
- working part-time at the YMCA and/or
- on YMCA-approved Educational Leave to pursue studies
- Stipend awardees must be in good standing at the Kennett Area YMCA and at their technical school, college or university. (Academically, at least a 2.0 GPA.)
Stipend Distribution
- Stipend decisions are made within 4 weeks of receipt of a complete application.
- Stipends are paid through the Kennett Area YMCA, courtesy of a grant from the Chester County Community Foundation and its family of donor advised funds.
- This award is considered taxable income. It will be processed through YMCA of Greater Brandywine payroll, less all applicable taxes and other withholdings.
Wendy Feller, Human Resources Coordinator, YMCA Greater Brandywine Kennett Branch, wfeller@ymcagbw.org
Community Foundation Grant/Scholar/Stipend Administrator, (610) 696-8211, grants@chescocf.org , www.chescocf.org
Send a check, made payable to:
Kennett Area YMCA Educational Assistance, c/o CCCF
28 West Market Street
West Chester, PA 19382