(West Chester, PA – September 25, 2023): The Board of Directors of the Chester County Community Foundation invites all who care about the Chester County community to attend the 29th Annual Meeting. It takes place on Monday, October 23 at Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center in West Chester.

Each year the Community Foundation recognizes a family who have been stewards in legacy philanthropy. This year, the Community Foundation spotlightsthe Brother Moon & Sister Sun Fund. Steve and Elaine Brenneman adopted Asa In Hyuk Brenneman from Chuncheon, South Korea. Asa was an artistic and outdoorsy child who navigated an Autism diagnosis while never losing sight of himself. Asa suffered a fatal motorcycle accident on October 16, 2022. John R. Twombly, Jr, Esq. of the Law Office of John R. Twombly, Jr., this year’s Door Opener Award winner, introduced the Community Foundation as a philanthropy option to the heartbroken Brenneman family to ensure Asa’s memory lived on.

The Community Foundation has also asked Diane Zwaan and Elizabeth Zwaan Milne to highlight the Brian C. Zwaan Legacy Fund. Brian Zwaan was a loving father, devoted husband, and generous education advocate. Brian passed away suddenly in a tragic swimming accident in his beloved vacation destination, Sea Isle City, NJ. His family established the legacy fund so Brians commitment to education would live on in perpetuity.  

The second annual Honorable Dr. Clifford E. DeBaptiste Visionary Award recognizes exceptional individuals whose civic engagement, community service, and charitable philanthropy light the way and inspire others. The award will be bestowed to Charles Swope. Swope was a Marine, the President and CEO of The First National Bank of Chester County, and a dedicated advocate for academic enrichment at West Chester University and the greater West Chester community.

Board Chair Winifred Moran Sebastian Esq. comments, “Bringing people together in the name of philanthropy strengthens our community and shows a commitment to working together. For Good. Forever.”

The 29th Annual Meeting is free and open to the public. The program begins at 5pm with 1-hour receptions immediately before and after at 4pm and 6pm. RSVP to (610) 696-8211 or to reserve a seat. For more information, visit


About the Chester County Community Foundation

Headquartered in West Chester’s Lincoln Building, the Chester County Community Foundation connects people who care with causes that matter so their legacy philanthropy makes a difference now and forever. The Community Foundation is entrusted with nearly $100 million in community assets, and annually awards $6.1 million in grants and scholarships.
