(West Chester, PA – October 12 2022): The Board of Directors of the Chester County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the 28th Annual Meeting, taking place on Monday, October 24 at Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center in West Chester.
The Community Foundation proudly establishes the Honorable Dr. Clifford E. DeBaptiste Honor to recognize exceptional individuals whose civic engagement, community service, and charitable philanthropy light the way and inspire others. The first to be bestowed the “Honorable Honor” will be the esteemed eponym, the Honorable Dr. Clifford E. DeBaptiste.
Each year the Community Foundation recognizes professional advisors who open doors to legacy philanthropy. The Community Foundation is delighted to spotlight David M. Frees, III, Esq. and Kurt Kunsch as this year’s Door Opener Award winners. They supported Robert Erb’s consideration of the Community Foundation as a vehicle for his philanthropy, ultimately leaving his sizeable estate to the Jonas C., Marian D., & Robert H. Erb Charitable Fund.
The Community Foundation will also highlight the Stephen Tuttle Fund for Oncology Research and Education. Stephen Tuttle was an avid athlete, loving father, devoted husband, and generous community volunteer. He passed away in 2019 after a courageous battle with cancer. Steve’s family established the fund to provide educational and research opportunities for the next generation of scientists, with the hope of getting closer to a cure each year.
Karen Simmons, Chester County Community Foundation President/CEO comments, “The Community Foundation is eager to highlight many high points from the last year at our Annual Meeting. We are thankful for the community’s strong support and encouraging voices as we bring about positive change for all those who live, work, and play in Chester County.”
The 28th Annual Meeting is open to the public and free of charge. The program will begin at 5:00pm with receptions immediately before and after at 4:15pm 6:15pm. RSVP to (610) 696-8211 or events@chescocf.org to reserve a place in person. For more information, visit https://chescocf.org/events/28th-annual-meeting/.
About the Chester County Community Foundation
Headquartered in West Chester’s Lincoln Building, the Chester County Community Foundation connects people who care with causes that matter so their legacy philanthropy makes a difference now and forever. The Community Foundation holds nearly $100 million in trust and annually awards $6.7 million in grants and scholarships. www.chescocf.org
For further information, contact:
Jamison Ludgate, Marketing Director & Outreach
Chester County Community Foundation
jamison@chescocf.org (484) 880-4527