(West Chester, PA – September 11, 2023): The Chester County Community Foundation is honoring outgoing board member John J. Allegretto, Esq. Allegretto served on the Board of Directors from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023.
John J. Allegretto, Esq. made many far-reaching and significant contributions to the Community Foundation. Allegretto served as a member of the Investment Committee which stewarded the Foundation’s assets by weighing the rewards of return with prudent risk analysis to assure long-term financial stability. Allegretto, Esq. also served as a member of the Finance Committee which diligently reviewed the Foundation’s business financing model and looked at issues strategically from a legal vantage point.
Allegretto, Esq. has continuously supported the Foundation’s community asset development by making connections and serving as an ambassador for legacy philanthropy. He also generously supported numerous Community Foundation events, annual campaigns, and fundraising fund initiatives. He played a significant role in Sweet Charity, Chair’s Choice, and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
Allegretto, Esq. created the Allegretto Family Charitable Fund and made grants to support multiple charitable causes, all in memory of John A. Allegretto.
John J. Allegretto, Esq. has served as a model for others through compassionate leadership, thoughtful wisdom, and an abundant generosity of spirit. The Board of Directors at the Chester County Community Foundation extends its deepest gratitude and appreciation for John Allegrettos many contributions.
Photo caption: John J. Allegretto, Esq.
About the Chester County Community Foundation
Headquartered in West Chester’s Lincoln Building, the Chester County Community Foundation connects people who care with causes that matter so their legacy philanthropy makes a difference now and forever. The Community Foundation holds nearly $100 million in trust and annually awards $4.5 million in grants and scholarships. To learn more about the Community Foundation, visit www.chescocf.org.