Are you an emerging community leader interested in pursuing possible Board service?
Great! Here’s how we can help you get ready:
- Fill out our online form to tell us your interests, passions, and experiences.
- We’ll follow up to schedule an in-person or Zoom meeting to get better acquainted.
- We’ll send you a link to our online training resources. You’ll have several weeks to review, at your leisure, some of our YouTube videos on Chester County’s widely varied nonprofit sector and our favorite articles about nonprofit committee and Board service.
Get Connected
- Ready to jump in more? Click here to pay our modest participation fee of $100.
- We’ll hook you up with a Coach to help you navigate the nonprofit sector.
- You and your Coach will set goals for your committee and Board service. The goals tend to be individual personal goals. Sometimes, especially if your employer expects you to be more involved in the community, we will help you establish professional goals as well.
- Note: As in any healthy relationship, we urge you to Date First: serve on a Committee, prior to jumping on Board.
Once you’re serving on a committee or Board, the fun really begins.
As the newbie, you go through a honeymoon period of welcoming and exploration.
And then, at some point, the rubber hits the road.
Ongoing Training Support
- To support you, we hold monthly Zoom & in-person training sessions on a wide variety of nonprofit leadership and governance topics. The Zoom sessions are free; sometimes the in-person sessions have a modest cost.
- Also, each autumn we hold an in-person Board of Directors Institute with dozens of specialized workshops throughout the day. Here, you can compare notes with current and emerging Board leaders and learn in-person from the best nonprofit leadership and governance trainers. We urge your entire committee and Board to attend; the more learning, the better.
Ongoing Coaching Support
We have two levels of coaching:
- You can join a GetOnBoard Roundtable led by an experienced Board governance facilitator. Learn insights, issues, and problem solving from your nonprofit Board member peers.
- Your Coach will keep in touch with you monthly to revisit your goals, ascertain how things are going, and what resources could be helpful to you.