January 13, 2023

The Thoroughbred Education and Research Foundation (TERF) is pleased to award the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF) $10,000 to be used for educational purposes.

TRF’s mission is to rescue ex-racehorses, no longer able to compete at the racetrack, from neglect, abuse, and slaughter. Furthermore, TRF collaborates with correctional facilities in eight states to provide vocational training to inmates who, in turn, care for horses that are not suitable for second athletic careers.

Second chances classroom
Dr. Reid McClellan and Program Manager John Evans

In 2021, TERF funding provided for the accreditation of the vocational instructors in the Groom Elite Program. In alignment with their mission to support and promote equine education by supporting organizations that are educating the public on the proper care of horses, TERF offers their financial assistance in 2022. TRF will use the funds to purchase teaching aides and equipment to enhance the learning experience as the incarcerated individuals move through the Groom Elite Curriculum offered at the TRF’s Second Chances Programs. TRF’s goal is to provide standardized level of education at each facility, educate inmates on proper care of thoroughbreds, and create higher skilled individuals who can receive gainful employment upon release from prison.

TRF Executive Director Pat Stickney comments, “The staff and board of TRF are extremely grateful to the Thoroughbred Education and Research Foundation for their continued support of our Second Chances Program. This funding enables us to enhance the learning experience of the men, women, and youths who participate in this transformational program. With the assistance from TERF, we can further expand our Second Chances Programs so that we can continue to change lives while saving more horses.”

TERF’s grants reflect the values set forth by founders Herb and Ellen Moelis. TERF’s current Board includes co-Chairs Kathleen Anderson DVM and James Orsini DVM, Margaret H. Duprey, Gretchen and Roy Jackson, Ellen Moelis, Wendy Moon, Anita Motion, Scott Palmer VMD, Josh Pons, Lucy Zungailia, Katelyn Jackson, and Lynn Cassimeris, Ph.D.

To learn more about the Thoroughbred Education and Research Foundation and/or make a tax-deductible donation to support TERF’s mission and programs, please visit

For further information, contact:
Jamison Ludgate, Marketing & Outreach Officer
Chester County Community Foundation (484) 880-4527

About the Chester County Community Foundation:

Headquartered in West Chester’s Lincoln Building, the Chester County Community Foundation connects people who care with causes that matter so their legacy philanthropy makes a difference now and forever. The Community Foundation holds $100 million in trust and annually awards $6 million in grants and scholarships. To learn more about the Community Foundation, visit  
