GetOnBoard Coaches

1) GetOnBoard Volunteer Coach initiate contact with candidate monthly.

2) Be familiar with Board Resource Links to trainings & handouts. Urge candidate to review them. Discuss topics with candidates as situations arise.

3) Zoom into Monday noon Board Roundtables & Workshops, as your schedule permits. Urge your candidate to zoom in. Suggest topics. Give feedback.

4) Email monthly Coaching Report Form to GOB Outreach Coordinator

4) Meet a couple times each year with other GOB Coaches, to compare Coaching experiences & learnings

Coach Materials

GOB Coach Confidentiality Statement

GOB Coach Orientation PowerPoint

GOB Coach Orientation Video

GOB Coaching Report Form

Nonprofit Due Diligence

Training Videos

What it takes to be a great leader by Roselinde Torres

How great leaders innovate responsibly by Ken Chenault

The way we think about charity is dead wrong by Dan Pallotta

Questions? Contact Hugh

Hugh Bleemer
Community Outreach Officer
(484) 842-4116