Profiles in Philanthropy

As part of our 25th Anniversary celebration, our initial thought was to highlight 25 Faces of Philanthropy. However, we quickly realized that 25 Faces was not quite right. Through the years, we have seen that philanthropy grows due to the inspiration and action of:

• individuals
• families
• friends
• community neighbors
• civic groups
• nonprofit causes
• business groups; and more




The Community Foundation is proud to spotlight the following 25 Portraits of Philanthropy.  Please look for these faces everywhere in the coming year.

1. Alice M. Thomas Scholarship
2. Ann S. & Steven B. Hutton Fund
3. Believe, Play & Have Fun Foundation
4. Brian C. Zwaan Legacy Fund
5. Clay-Mir Charitable Foundation
6. Daley Family Foundation
7. DeBaptiste Foundation
8. Dianne & Dave Elderkin Charitable Fund
9. Diederich Family Fund
19. Emily & George Purnell Scholarship Fund
11. Frees Family Fund
12. Hadley Fund
13. Hutton Family HeLP Fund
14. Jessie L & Harold W Freeman Fund 
15. Dr. John H. Hewlett, III Scholarship Foundation
16. Loew Family Fund
17. Margaret E. Coppedge Memorial Fund to Benefit Grimes AME Church
18. Marjorie L. & Arthur P. Miller, Jr. Fund
19. Patricia C. and John Celii, Jr. Foundation
20. Ruch Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
21. Stanley’s Dream
22. Wharton Esherick Studio Preservation Fund
23. Whitford Charitable Fund
24. William S. Latoff Charitable Foundation 
25. Zelinda LeBoutiller Foundation